Our Goals

Movement 2030 is our community’s plan to dramatically advance educational and life outcomes in Spartanburg County.

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Movement 2030 has worked with community citizens and regional leaders to develop a neighborhood and countywide-level transformation plan. 

Early Care and Education

From the moment a child is born in Spartanburg, their experiences influence their life trajectory and access to opportunities. Movement 2030 focuses on the earliest needs of Spartanburg residents and their families – starting with prenatal care and extending through a strong start in education. 

  • Movement 2030 seeks to have a larger proportion of children entering school in Spartanburg be prepared for success.

Postsecondary Attainment

Degrees and career-ready certifications are key contributors to an individual’s path toward life success.

  • Movement 2030 seeks to align postsecondary education with local employer needs and grow the number of postsecondary graduates. This will enable Spartanburg to increase our skilled, local talent pool.

Spurring Economic Activity in Neighborhoods

Together, the Northside and Highland communities comprise just over one square mile, yet are among Spartanburg County’s most concentrated areas of poverty.

  • Movement 2030 seeks to build on pre-existing plans in both neighborhoods to increase cradle-to-career outcomes and make tangible improvements in the built, social, and economic environments.
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Movement 2030 is a grassroots, neighborhood-driven plan with bold ideas for sustainable change. We believe that change comes when local, regional and national partners work together in collaboration. Every step of the way, Movement 2030 will lean into its boots-on-the-ground advisory group, working group, and accountability partners. These groups are made up of Spartanburg residents and regional leaders that you know and trust. 

Meet Our Partners

Together, we have established the following plans:

Early Childhood Plan

  • Strengthen and grow prenatal and parent supports countywide
  • Improve quality of early learning by scaling Quality Counts in child development centers and public preschools. 
  • Expand age 0-3 high quality early care capacity with a focus on opening seats, supporting talent, and advocacy strategies for growth.
  • Increase enrollment across our system of early care and education services.

Postsecondary Attainment Plan

  • Strengthen alignment between K-12 and postsecondary institutions​
  • Ensure postsecondary access, with a focus on reducing financial barriers 
  • Enable institutions to address barriers that impact college completion 
  • Create tighter linkages between education and the workplace
  • Increase adult re-engagement and degree and certificate attainment

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